Thursday, February 21, 2013

First Meal Away From Home

Mexican chicken salad over romaine lettuce with cheddar cheese
Pears sprikled with apple pie spice
Almonds (soaked and roasted)

What To Do With Yogurt Drippings?

Drippings from one gallon of yogurt
(after dripping 4 hours in the fridge)
2 tablespoons of pure lemon extract
6 tablespoons of honey
(dissolved in 1 cup of hot water & then added)
1 lemon cut into slices and added
ice cubes
pretty glass pitcher

...don't tell the kids what it is...
...they think its the best lemonade ever!!

Wish I knew what the nutritional composition of this stuff was.  :-)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day #3

Salmon Cakes For Dinner (Canned Salmon, Eggs, Almond Flour, Dijon Mustard, Seasonings, Olive Oil)
With Salad and Homemade, GAPS Approved Ranch
Teacup Of Broth
Grapes For Dessert

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day #1 On The Specific Carbohydrate Diet (GAPS)

The kids hated it and complained but I guess that is to be expected.  :-)


Chicken soup (chicken broth, sea salt, boiled chicken, boiled carrots, boiled onions)

Chicken Soup

Chicken Soup

Chicken Soup
Carrots & Onions Sauteed In Olive Oil
Small Dish Of Homemade Yogurt For Dessert

DD #4 was nauseated during the night and threw up once she got up the next morning.  We later found out she had eaten about 3/4 cup of Bubbies sauerkraut out of the fridge because she was starving and couldn't stand the chicken soup.  I guess her poor little intestines couldn't handle the new bacteria so fast.  Either that or the fatty chicken broth?  Nobody else was sick and she hasn't shown any other signs of illness.  I would say it is too early for die-off symptoms.  She likes the sauerkraut though!!  That's good.  :-)  She detests the broth so I've got to figure out a way to flavor it so she will eat it.

Almond Flour On The Cheap

Almond Flour For $1.10 Per Cup

First of all, it needs to be understood that we have six children on one income, and can not afford organic food at this time.  We are trying to follow the GAPS protocol as best we can without removing all toxins through organic food.  We believe this is still WAY BETTER than the cheap, high-starch, Aldi-bought, American diet we have been eating.  There is absolutely no way we can afford fresh, raw, unpasteurized, organic almonds. Wish we could!  :-)

Almond flour online wholesale price:  $14.75/lb

Sam's has natural almonds (not salted, roasted, or coated and with no other ingredients) for $10.98/48 oz or $3.66/lb.  As you can see, 1 cup of ground nuts makes over a cup of flour.  In the future I am planning on soaking them, removing their skins, drying them in the oven, and then grinding them into flour.

How to make raw nuts crispy

Homemade Almond Flour Instructions

Thursday, February 7, 2013

3 Days Until Lift-Off!

We are planning to start the GAPS diet this coming Sunday afternoon.

We've been gluten-free for years but I'm nervous about this specific carbohydrate approach.  My girls love carbs and crunchy snacks!  So far, I've...

...Made my first batch of yogurt with a heating pad and it came out great!!
...Purchased a huge roaster oven for cooking soups.
...Made chicken stock.
...Cleaned out all of the unacceptable foods from our kitchen.
...Made a notebook with all of the GAPS info in it.
...Read the GAPS book and Breaking The Vicious Cycle.
...Gotten over my fear of sauerkraut.
...Started a pin board with recipe ideas.