We are a one-income family living in a two-income economy.
There are eight of us. Dad works full-time and
Mom stays home with the kids.
Mom stays home with the kids.
We have a goal to pay off all debt
except for our first mortgage,
which will in turn lower our expenses,
and increase our monthly cash flow.
We are not very experienced in the ways of frugal
living. For the past sixteen years we have enjoyed
eating out, going on vacations, putting our kids through
private school, buying whatever we needed whenever
we needed it. We live in a lovely home on several acres
with a lovely mortgage. : ) We are learning everything
we can about being frugal, and and we will be
experimenting along the way.
We hope to lower all variable expenses as much as possible
and increase our monthly cash flow.
We are not very experienced in the ways of frugal
living. For the past sixteen years we have enjoyed
eating out, going on vacations, putting our kids through
private school, buying whatever we needed whenever
we needed it. We live in a lovely home on several acres
with a lovely mortgage. : ) We are learning everything
we can about being frugal, and and we will be
experimenting along the way.
We hope to lower all variable expenses as much as possible
and apply the extra to our debt.
AMOUNT OF DEBT ON 1/1/11: $29,276.51
This blog is primarily focusing on our household expenditures.
As a wife and stay-at-home mom of six,
I am responsible for the "household budget."
I have a separate checking account with
debit card and handle all of the following expenses:
Dry Cleaning
School Supplies
Cleaning Supplies
Laundry Detergent
Cable Internet Service
Paper Products
Library Fines
Video Rentals
Birthday Gifts & Parties
Over-The-Counter Medicines
Gifts For Others (Bridal & Baby Showers, Get-Well, Etc)
Home Decor
Baby Equipment
Feminine Hygiene
Printer Ink
In 2010 I Spent An Average Of $1300 Per Month.
My Goal For 2011 Is $500 Per Month.
Less Than Half Of What We Are Accustomed To.
As a family, we have voted and decided that we would rather
be extremely frugal for a short period of time rather than moderately
frugal for a much longer period of time.
This blog is the story of our journey.
We hope you can learn from our experiment. : )
AMOUNT OF DEBT ON 1/1/11: $29,276.51
This blog is primarily focusing on our household expenditures.
As a wife and stay-at-home mom of six,
I am responsible for the "household budget."
I have a separate checking account with
debit card and handle all of the following expenses:
Dry Cleaning
School Supplies
Cleaning Supplies
Laundry Detergent
Cable Internet Service
Paper Products
Library Fines
Video Rentals
Birthday Gifts & Parties
Over-The-Counter Medicines
Gifts For Others (Bridal & Baby Showers, Get-Well, Etc)
Home Decor
Baby Equipment
Feminine Hygiene
Printer Ink
In 2010 I Spent An Average Of $1300 Per Month.
My Goal For 2011 Is $500 Per Month.
Less Than Half Of What We Are Accustomed To.
As a family, we have voted and decided that we would rather
be extremely frugal for a short period of time rather than moderately
frugal for a much longer period of time.
This blog is the story of our journey.
We hope you can learn from our experiment. : )