When speaking of disposable items, diapers are one of the biggest expenses! Should I eliminate disposables and use cloth? I have a 17-month-old, and a newborn due to arrive in 4 months.
This and this is the most economical way to diaper babies from everything I have read but how in the world can it realistically work? I have tested it and MG can soak a cloth diaper like this in minutes enough to actually wring the pee out! Even with a diaper cover, it gets her clothes wet and anywhere she sits is damp. I would have to change her the minute she goes and there is no way I can do that with my current circumstances of driving S to and from work/school and all of my other responsibilities. I don't know how this can possibly be a wise use of time for me. There are higher quality diapering systems available for a minimum investment of at least $100 (for used diapers on eBay) and all the way up to several hundred dollars. The Lord has given us witty inventions to use and be thankful for. Disposable diapers and wipes are one of them! I would no sooner go without air conditioning or toilet paper unless the Lord intervenes and puts us in a really desperate financial situation. My Wal-Mart brand disposable diapers pull all the liquid inside and hardly ever leak (even overnight). If the truth be told, I only change diapers 3-4 times per day. At $0.20 each, that is only $1.00 a day. Surely I can find a way to come up with this cash. I remember reading in one of my "thrifty living" books that time MUST have a dollar amount on it or there is no limit to the things we would find ourselves doing to save money. I am only given 24 hours per day. 9 of those are spent sleeping. This leaves 15 hours a day. Not everything will fit into those 15 hours. I am considering potty training her instead of using cloth diapers but the time factor still applies because I will have to take her to the bathroom every few hours and clean up accidents. My older girls are so busy with school/work that I can not count on them to help a lot.
This is the cost analysis I went through to form my opinion:
Parameters For Analysis:
Parent's Choice Disposable Diapers From Wal-Mart as the brand used for disposable diapers
Tax Included In All Cost Analysis
365 Day Time Frame
2 Babies In Diapers
Rumparooz As Favorite Cloth Diaper (I like them because of inner gusset, poop scoop, and adjustable size)
Parent's Choice Disposable Diapers From Wal-Mart as the brand used for disposable diapers
Tax Included In All Cost Analysis
365 Day Time Frame
2 Babies In Diapers
Rumparooz As Favorite Cloth Diaper (I like them because of inner gusset, poop scoop, and adjustable size)
Wal-Mart Parent’s Choice Diapers Price Including Tax:
$14.81 For 70 Size 5 Diapers = $0.21
$14.81 For 82 Size 4 Diapers = $0.18
$14.81 For 96 Size 3 Diapers = $0.15$14.81 For 96 Size 2 Diapers = $0.15
MG Uses Average Of 5 Diapers Per 24 Hour Period (Size 4-5) = $0.20 Per Diaper = $0.98 Per Day = $358 For One Year
J will not need any new diapers until halfway through the year because we have plenty of size 1. Let’s say she uses 6-7 per day. For size 2 diapers, it works out to be almost exactly the same price per day as MG. 183 days x $0.98 per day = $179.34 for 6 months worth of diapers.
Total Disposable Diaper Cost For 2011: $538.00Cost Of Cloth Diapers For Both Girls...
Let’s Say We Use 1 Box Of Diapers Per Month For Nights & Church ($15.80 for average of 80 diapers) = $189.60 For The Year
Cost Of Cloth Diapers For Both Girls Is $250 If Purchased New (Rumparooz) (4 Covers/20 Inserts)
Let’s say I can find a real deal by buying used or a cheaper diaper and get the price down to $150 for our cost analysis experiment...
Total Cost Of Cloth Diapers & Disposable For Nights/Sunday: $339.60 For The Year
Total Savings By Using Cloth Diapers (Cost of disposable $538 Minus Cost Of Cloth $339.60): $198 Plus Extra Hassle. Is it worth it to save $16.50 a month?
Cost Of Cloth Diapers For Both Girls Is $250 If Purchased New (Rumparooz) (4 Covers/20 Inserts)
Let’s say I can find a real deal by buying used or a cheaper diaper and get the price down to $150 for our cost analysis experiment...
Total Cost Of Cloth Diapers & Disposable For Nights/Sunday: $339.60 For The Year
Total Savings By Using Cloth Diapers (Cost of disposable $538 Minus Cost Of Cloth $339.60): $198 Plus Extra Hassle. Is it worth it to save $16.50 a month?
Other Possibilities (extreme frugality mindset needed):
Use cloth diapers at night and church so no disposable diapers at all.
Spend only $38 on cloth diapers.
Get diapers that fit any size baby so they can be used by MG and J. Wash diaper inserts every day.
Potty train MG at 18 months so she is in underwear by the time J is born.
Sell cloth diapers at the end of the year on eBay.
Savings: $500 for the year = $41.67 per month=$$1.39 per day
That is $500 in savings. Is it worth it? Is it even possible?
RESULT: We have decided to try and potty train our 18-month-old (using cloth diapers at night).
Helpful Links:
Use cloth diapers at night and church so no disposable diapers at all.
Spend only $38 on cloth diapers.
Potty train MG at 18 months so she is in underwear by the time J is born.
Sell cloth diapers at the end of the year on eBay.
Savings: $500 for the year = $41.67 per month=$$1.39 per day
That is $500 in savings. Is it worth it? Is it even possible?
RESULT: We have decided to try and potty train our 18-month-old (using cloth diapers at night).
Helpful Links:
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