My girls and I prefer Secret brand deodorant
to any other kind because it works the best for us.Strong enough for a man...gentle enough for a woman.
Here is how I purchased 20 Secret deodorants for $6 without being a coupon fanatic.
1. Filled out a price book sheet on Secret deodorant. The cheapest I found was a 4-pk (2.6 oz) at Sam's for $6.98. This worked out to $0.67 per ounce.
2. Purchased 20 coupons ($1.00 off) on eBay for $1.49 (incl ship). Cost per coupon was $0.07 each.
3. Printed 2 Dollar General coupons for $5 off purchase of $25.
4. Shop on Saturday (only day the $5 coupon is good) at two Dollar General locations.
5. At store #1 purchased 14 Secret deodorants for $1.75 each, 2 pks of gum, and used $5 off coupon. Total was $7.36.
6. At store #2 purchased 6 Secret deodorants for $1.75 each, and other coupon deal items to reach $25 total, then used $5 off coupon.
Cost analysis:
$1.75 (Cost of 1.6 oz Secret deodorant)
+$0.07 (Add cost of manufacturer's coupon bought on eBay)
-$1.00 (Less manufacturer's coupon)
-$0.34 (Less store coupon $5 off purchase of $25 or more)
$0.48 (Total cost for 1.6 oz)
$0.30/oz (Less than half of the cost per oz of Sam's prices)
$0.30/oz is my new "lowest price" to be added to the price book. All future drugstore deals and sales will be measured against this price.
4. Shop on Saturday (only day the $5 coupon is good) at two Dollar General locations.
5. At store #1 purchased 14 Secret deodorants for $1.75 each, 2 pks of gum, and used $5 off coupon. Total was $7.36.
6. At store #2 purchased 6 Secret deodorants for $1.75 each, and other coupon deal items to reach $25 total, then used $5 off coupon.
Cost analysis:
$1.75 (Cost of 1.6 oz Secret deodorant)
+$0.07 (Add cost of manufacturer's coupon bought on eBay)
-$1.00 (Less manufacturer's coupon)
-$0.34 (Less store coupon $5 off purchase of $25 or more)
$0.48 (Total cost for 1.6 oz)
$0.30/oz (Less than half of the cost per oz of Sam's prices)
$0.30/oz is my new "lowest price" to be added to the price book. All future drugstore deals and sales will be measured against this price.